Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Moment it Clicks... or doesn't...

Less and less often am i rushing home after a shoot, be it for client or otherwise and immediately uploading my images into lightroom for a good perve at the pics. It used to be that they would be on my computer before I had fully got in the door. Now they can sometime sit in the camera for days before they even make it as far as the CF reader. And less and less often am I finding the motivation to do anything with them beyond a quick preset in LR before being published. LAZY. UNMOTIVATED. I use lack of time for a pretty good excuse lately. Im less and less believin that myself since i find plenty of time for trawling mindless pages in flickr, writing blogs about jack sh*t, and just generally wasting precious moments that before used to be spent enjoying looking and editting photos.

So where has it gone? Where does the passion go to and how to get it back? Some say start a project. Well to be honest I cant be arsed. So.. why force the issue. Ill take photos when I feel like it. Unfortunately, that's not always going to be possible right. I have shoots for clients that need to be taken care of. So how do you muster the passion and motivation for this if when you wake up in the morning and you don't feel like it. Bryan? Maybe you can answer this one for me, I'm sure its happened on more than one occasion for you.

I think I need to do some soul searching in the next few and really decide what it is I want and how the fack I'm going to get it, because right now I'm just floating around in this negative space without any direction.

Its funny, this picture of a complete stranger inspired me more than photos of either Logan or Andrew today. It was my moment it clicked.


There is no hard fast rules to say how you get your mojo back, to inspire you, to make things right again.

I guess this is the test for anyone wanting to do photography, how much they want it, how much they are willing to fight for it. It doesnt happen just once... it happens over and over again.. in the moments when you least expect it. After years in the game I struggle at least every year to come to grips on how to better myself, how to keep motivated and on top of the game so to speak. Its not really a battle with anyone but myself/yourself.

When you first start out its like a drug. You feel like every new image is a new discovery, a high that unfortunately isnt to be repeated to the extent it is when you started. However having said that... the rewards and satisfaction are higher. Spending time in the game matures your ability to see, and you become a lot less impulsive, more refined in your choice of shots.

So how do I keep on track... keep goign when you seem to have lost everything... I realise that this is the only thing that I love doing for a job. I am passionate about it, my business, my work. Thats the clincher... my work.. I love producing stuff that I can say is mine.. I love seeing it in places that others cant get to, I love having it displayed in some narcissictic manner. Forget all the small stuff, think big with your aspirations and the rewards that come with that. Dream the biggest dream you can and if you only achieve 50% of that its still 50% more than where you are now.

Take the things that inspire you in photography.. the things that make you pick up a camera, or in your mind say wow... thats gorgeous.. and then do it yourself. Work at it over and over again. Motivation comes from seeing results you like and being rewarded for them. You have to do it though. Sorry I couldnt be more definitive, but in reality I still struggle with it... Im still striving forward and trying to perfect and improve on a daily basis by being inspired by those around me.

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