Keith and Rebecca
A few weekends ago I had the pleasure of helping Paul Green of Matador Photo with a wedding, now i must say it wasnt the best organised wedding shoot (sorry paul) but the day dawned not too bad, and the rain stayed away, however with the cloud cover and the fact we were shooting under a thick canopy of trees meant pushing the camera and the 2.8 to its limits whilst keeping iso as low as possible and shutter speed high enough to avoid camera shake! I was shooting from the wings during the ceromony and was focused on Rebeccas reactions throughout the ceremony, a (flock?) of doves flew into the trees above and provided a nice oportunity.
Keith and Rebecca are combining existing families, and Rebecca's kids certainly were not shy of the ole' camera being stuck in their faces, in fact a few of the cousins too.. loved hamming it up infront of the lens.