Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Website Done

I completely forgot in all the hype and angst that led up to the completion of my website.. that I needed to blog about it!!

Well the website is up, its done, and doing its job nicely!! Few minor things to work on like a decent contact page, but since me being stubborn has a picture of how I want it to look, then it will take me some time to figure out just how to do it!

Anyway here it is folks.

and a wee preview

I had the opportunity on Saturday to join my friend Nykie on a shoot that she had organised with a friend of hers the lovely Kiri and her beautiful 3yr old daughter Zoe. I wont go into too much detail, but I will say this, Zoe is an amazing little girl who is going through something no little girl should ever have to go through. As a mum its something I fear, truly fear and hope my own little blossoms never have to face. Zoe you are as Nykie said "a true super star".

Shoot wise, I'm happy with the results, I was able to use Bryan's 70-200 2.8, which I almost solely used, apart from a brief stint with the wide angle, note to self: incredibly hard to pull off portraits with wide angle, must practice lots more!!

When it comes to photographing people you have to be willing to accept that not everything is always going to go as planned. Planning of course is a high priority when it comes to producing results. However there are always goign to be variables, how you deal with those variables will come down to the attitude and experiance of the photographer. There are also ages and stages that are just plain going to be difficult, and coming up with ways and ideas to meet those speed bumps Is going to be one thing that we all learn along the path.

Nykie, it was a pleasure to work with you. Thanks for having me along.

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